Reusing technology in support of God's people in a digital world

The Computer Ministry of Mechanicsburg, Pa collects computer equipment items and then refurbishes them. We will distribute refurbished computer equipment for a small fee to cover the cost of being a Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher. We rely on donations of used computer equipment from local corporations, small businesses, and individuals to be able to achieve our mission.
All our refurbishing is done in-house by volunteers on a purely charitable non-profit basis, we are not a commercial refurbisher; there is no profit making from the generosity of others. Our volunteers evaluate the used computer equipment and securely remove all data from hard drives of the donated equipment.
We use the donations we receive to help people in our country and around the world. We will distribute computer equipment to sponsered individuals, veterans, hospitals, schools, churches, senior centers and non-profit organizations that need computers.
Our goal is to provide assistance and improve efficiency within churches and other organizations of need regardless of creed, denomination, geographic location or race by providing them technical solutions consisting of, but not limited to, computer hardware and/or software.
Recycling Electronic E-Waste
Upgrading your electronic equipment? Do the computer thing: donate your current equipment for reuse. The Computer Ministry will also recycle older outdated computer equipment and end-of-life electronic equipment.
Volunteer work at the Computer Ministry is real work, with real responsibilities, real opportunities and real rewards. It's a chance to build technology skills, and also people skills with other volunteers..
Computer Requests
The Computer Ministry collects computers and then refurbishes them. We will then donate the equipment to non-profit ministries and organizations that need computers , for a small fee. We can only accept requests from Non-Profit Organizations and requests sponsered by an organization.
Computer Ministry, Inc. Warranty & Responsibility Statement - Jan 2023